Rascone Writers Night during CMA Week in Nashville, TN
Help Get my Co-Write with Kimberley Dahme to #1Everybody my co-write with Kimberley Dahme Singer-Songwriter, is up for voting for a spot in THE ICEMAN'S TOP 40!! Help me get it to #1. Just click on the link and find it in the voting poll area to the right of the page. It is about 1/2 of the way down and click on, "It Takes Two To Fall" Kimberley Dahme - http://theicemanscavern.com/
Our new song "WARRIOR" and FIND THE MISSING WARRIOR PROJECT - To the Warriors, POW's, Missing in Action, Killed in Action and Unknown Veterans: http://t.co/eGoNuJIC52 via @YouTube
My Latest Interview with David Bellamy - It's all about the BOOBS!!http://www.examiner.com/article/boobs-talking-with-david-bellamy-of-the-bellamy-brothers?CID=examiner_alerts_article