Inside the Song is proud to welcome Angel Mary & The Tennessee Werewolves to the roster.
Nashville, Tenn. (June 20, 2014) – ITS Entertainment and Promotion are very happy to announce that Angel Mary & the Tennessee Werewolves have become part of the very talented roster.
ITS has been booking, as well as doing promotion and handling PR and publicity for performing singer/songwriters since 2000. ITS has to really believe in the acts that they chose to work with so the clientele is premier top shelf acts.
ITS mission with and for Angel Mary and the Tennessee Werewolves is to help grow their brand and gain them added exposure garnering them forward gain and momentum in their career. Angel Mary & The Tennessee Werewolves have done a terrific job creating their brand and it is ITS mission to expand the scope and awareness of that brand to the public.
About AMTW: Angel Mary and The Tennessee Werewolves is a sensational new Country family trio who bring a rebel yell to country music.
With the cool collective sounds of old fashion Dixie roots, bluegrass picking, Haggard styled lyrics and rocking high energy vocals, holding your feet still during a performance is not possible.
The band consists of Angel Mary on lead vocals and guitar, Christian Wolf on vocals and drums, and Antoine Wolf on vocals and bass guitar. Make no mistake about it, this is a Family tradition," pass the biscuits please. " Angel Mary, Christian Wolf and Antoine Wolf are all related. The band may just have wolf in their blood as it certainly is carried forth in their surname.
Having a name as unique as this band, Angel Mary & The Tennessee Werewolves push forward on their music endeavors by thinking, reaching, stepping and even jumping out of the box. While the band name might seem obvious to some, there is some back story about it. The lead singer Mary was born prematurely and it was not known if should would survive her infancy. They started calling her “Angel Mary,” because of that and it just took. Now their last name is Wolf but that is not the only reason they became the werewolves. That part of their name is derived from the Johnny Cash song, "Beast in Me," from his American Recordings Album which sparked the band to record Folsom Prison Blues, a song they hold close to heart.
Not only has AMTW recorded this new epic single at the Cash Cabin where the American Recordings Album was recorded, they also had John Carter Cash co-produce the single and play an acoustic track, surely giving it the "Cash" stamp of approval.
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Press Contacts:
ITS PR, Publicity, Promos & Possibilities
Donna Nolan (615) 684-2072
Email: [email protected]
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